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Learning in Harmony Trust

Governance at LiHT

Governance at LiHT 

Statutory governance information

Members & Trustees

Local Governing Bodies

Board of Trustees Attendance Records 

Board of Trustees Declarations of Pecuniary Interests

Trust Members' Declarations of Pecuniary Interests 

Disclosure of staff earning over £100,000

Financial Procedures (inc Charging & Remissions Policy)

Access to minutes and agendas can be arranged via 

Our governance structures are based on establishing a strategic, purposeful and effective balance.

We strongly believe that our values and principles should drive our decision-making at trust-wide and individual school levels. There is no desire or requirement for Trust schools to mirror each other.  Schools joining the Trust will recognise that our polices and approaches are developed collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for pupils in our settings. Equally, there is a desire for the Trust to be more than an opportunity to ‘share best practice’ - we believe being a MAT provides us with an opportunity to learn together, seeking out practices that make a difference to children’s learning, and to use it to improve the provision for all pupils.

The principles of formative assessment and of a broad curriculum, which develops a wide range of skills yet has a rigorous focus on English and Maths, are at the heart of the provision that must be offered in all Trust schools. For this reason, the scheme of delegation ensures that some key policies such as the Teaching and Learning Policy must be formally approved at Trust level, although they are likely to be different in each member school.

We have a well established Trustee Board whose members bring with them an excellent range of strategic, education and financial skills and experience.  You can read their pen portraits here.

Our Local governors bring a broad range of expertise and skills to the governance of our schools.  They hold leaders to account and support them to continually improve.  We develop and inform our governors through regular briefings, statutory training, bespoke induction, annual governance events and via our Governance Hub.

For more information about our governance structure, please click on the links below.

LiHT School Governance Page Links

School Name

Link to website Governance Section

Barons Court Primary School

Blenheim Primary School

Connaught Special School

Greenways Primary School

Temple Sutton Primary School

Edwards Hall Primary School

Sheringham Primary School

New North Academy

Upton Cross Primary School

Hartley Primary School

Drew Primary School

JFK Special School

